A team of Penn State Lehigh Valley students participated in the Deloitte Undergraduate National Case Competition on March 15-18 at Deloitte University, the corporate headquarters of the global consulting firm, in Westlake, Texas.
The inaugural Lehigh Valley Health and Human Services Job Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 13 in Room 135 and Center Hall at Penn State Lehigh Valley. The job fair will feature more than 30 health and human services providers, many with immediate hiring opportunities.
A widely-recognized expert on the topic of maltreatment of children will speak at Penn State Lehigh Valley on March 17. The event is free and open to the public.
Fourteen Penn State instructors from eight campuses and three colleges worked with Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) over the past summer and fall as part of the 2022-23 TLT Faculty Engagement Awards program. Their goal was to enhance the student engagement experience using Experiential Virtual Spaces.
Teaching and Learning with Technology will offer a new virtual complement to the TLT Symposium this year. Symposium Lite is a half-day event on March 23, which will feature prerecorded presentations and live discussions.
Penn State Lehigh Valley professor Pedro Robles is taking a deep dive into the world of artificial intelligence as it relates to government intervention and human values. Robles' project was one of six winners of the seed funding competition by the Penn State Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence.
Addiction and recovery specialist Kevin Smith has seen individuals from all walks of life work hard at recovering from various types of addictions. Smith spoke to a crowd of students and faculty at Penn State Lehigh Valley on Jan. 30, and his presentation had a clear message: help is out there.